- 当非洲人民在挨饿时,我看到这么多故意毁坏和浪费的食物,真使我气得咬牙切齿。
- It makes me gnash my teeth to see so much food deliberately destroyed or wasted when there are people starving in africa .
- 老师一看没有办法说了只好忍着痛咬牙拔掉说:“是根线头……”。
- The teacher looked to say to be forced to bearing painful gnash one 's teeth to unplug without method say : " it is a thrum ...... " .
- 呼叫,咬牙,扭捩肢体,挣扎,临终喘息,而在你头上的大城市却一无所闻!
- And to shout , to gnash one 's teeth , and to writhe , and to struggle , and to agonize , with that enormous city which knows nothing of it all , over one 's head !
- 让我们假设你已八小时没有吃东西了,这时某人递给你一个很好的、冷的、成熟的苹果,然后你一口咬下去!
- Let 's say you didn 't eat for eight hours and someone handed you a nice , cold , ripe apple , then chomp !
- 小心不然我咬断你的手指
- Watch it , I 'll chomp your fingers off !
- 它们只是在苔原上大嚼特嚼,睡上几小时,接着再吃。
- They just chomp on tundra , nap a few hours and feast again .