- 鉴于我正在休假(说真的),我会把它留给评论家们以相互启发,等我回来再启发我。
- Since I 'm ( really ) on holiday , I 'll leave it to commenters to enlighten each other , and me on my return .
- 这两种观点间产生的众多争论绝非偶然产生生,更不会因为一篇博文就因此消失。从我开始休假后,我将把这留给其它的评论家,来启发他们,我们互相学习,等着我回来吧!
- There are so many arguments packed into these two ideas that it 's hard to start , much less finish , in a blog post . Since I 'm ( really ) on holiday , I 'll leave it to commenters to enlighten each other , and me on my return .
- 结婚31年,膝下无子,给人的印象是他们只需拥有对方便已足够,理智并平静地尊重对方的不同意见。
- Married for 31 years , with no children , they leave you with the sense that they have only ever needed each other , and differences of opinion are accommodated within an equanimity of intellectual respect .
- 提供有竞争力的薪酬只是一部分。
- Offering competitive compensation is only part of it .
- 欧元在这其中扮演了重要角色。
- The euro has played a significant part in this .
- 评论家声称部分的问题是来源于技术本身。
- Critics say part of the problem may be the technology itself .