- 探讨香烟烟雾溶液与温石棉单独及联合作用对细胞增殖活性的影响。
- Objective to study the separate and combined effects of cigarette smoke solution and chrysotile on cell proliferation activity .
- 在两个独立的实验中,研究者在健康的年轻被试和老年被试中比较了试误学习(trail-and-errorlearingtel)和无误学习(errorlesslearning,el)的记忆效果。
- In two separate studies , researchers compared the memory benefits of trial-and-error learning ( tel ) with errorless learning ( el ) in memory exercises with groups of healthy young and older adults .
- 方法:应用人表皮细胞的分离、培养技术,并进行mtt检测、病理切片以及电镜检测等手段进行观察。
- Method : use tissue engineering technology to separate and culture human keratinocyte in vitro and observe them using mtt method and histological and electron microscopic methods .