- 然而,摄影泰然自若地处在纪录片和艺术之间那细微难察的边界。
- Photography , however , is poised on a fine borderline between documentary and art .
- 如果一名经理言语轻浮,这也可能是一种暧昧的骚扰行为。
- If a manager is flirting , this could also be borderline harassment .
- 他说,将重度抑郁的诊断边界放宽是非常重要的,因为“绝大多数的自杀并非发生在最严重的抑郁症患者身上”。
- It 's important to take borderline diagnoses of depression seriously , he says , because " most of the suicides do not occur in the most severely depressed " .