- 如果划分起工作来有点晕,我从mikeconte那儿学到的一个好办法是依据用户活动来划分。
- If you 're having trouble dividing up the work , one approach I learned from mike conte is to divide up the product according to user activities .
- 摘要盆地砂岩型铀矿区域评价的主要目的是初步划分环境带和圈定成矿有利地段,为下步较详细工作提供依据。
- The main purpose of regional evaluation of uranium ore-formation is to preliminarily divide environmental zones and to delineate favourable areas for uranium ore-formation in order to provide basis for further detailed prospecting work .
- 这些例子中的每一个都展示出熵的持续增长使世界充满了让过去与未来相分隔的不可逆转过程:一份炒蛋的制作和牛奶倒进一杯咖啡的混合都是时间单向运转的事件。
- Each of these examples shows how the continual growth of entropy fills the world with irreversible processes that divide the past from the future : the making of an omelet and the mixing of milk into a cup of coffee are events that work in only one temporal direction .