- 从冰箱中取出并捏成球状,然后放在托盘上用叉子轻轻地压平。
- Remove from fridge and roll into balls , place on tray and slightly flatten with a fork .
- 他用餐叉指了指他的碟子,亲切地问道。
- He says sweetly , motioning his fork .
- 文艺复兴的对餐叉的抵制从某些方面来讲也是对的。
- The renaissance opponents of the fork were right , in many ways .
- 你说我们关掉电视读本书怎么样?
- What do you say we just turnoff the tv and read a book ?
- 钱就在附近某个地方。
- The turnoff 's just up here somewhere .
- 在雷雨时,关上电视机。
- Turnoff the tv set in case of thunderstorm .
- 这个月总统选举的出席者已经超过了60%,这已经高于美国选举的标准,而两年前,中期选举的出席者是41%。
- This month 's turnout in the presidential election was actually over 60 % , which is high by american standards ; in the midterm elections two years ago it was 41 % .
- 有58%的人表示赞成,几乎占到了出席者的77%。
- As many as 58 % said yes , on a turnout of almost 77 % .
- 毫不奇怪,10月23日突尼斯前所未有的自由选举的出席者为数众多,人们情绪高涨。
- Not surprisingly , the turnout here for tunisia 's first-ever free elections on october 23rd was massive , the mood buoyant .
- 高粱是非洲最重要的谷物。
- Sorghum is an important grain for africa .
- 为何银行业和谷物仓储业被区别对待?
- Why aren 't banks treated like grain elevators ?
- 防风林在保护粮食作物方面极具价值。
- Windbreaks can be highly valuable for protecting grain crops .
- 如前所述,最近的分岔方法(煤层气)
- As indicated previously , the closest bifurcation method ( cbm )
- 首先分析了滑动轴承-转子非线性动力系统的稳定性及分岔行为.
- At first , the stability and bifurcation of the rotor fluid bearing systems are investigated .
- 根据神经元放电行为产生的分岔机理,将参数平面划分为两类区域,即放电区域和静息区域。
- According to the bifurcation mechanism of firing activity , the whole parameter space is divided into two parts , namely , firing and silence regions of neurons .
- 执行部门的分支机构也需要改变。
- The executive branch also needs to change .
- 有一次我去一个跟丹佛似的分行。
- I was out visiting a branch in the equivalent of denver .
- 这一领域的一个分支是量子计算机。
- One branch of the field is quantum computing .