- 有四个相互独立的银行管理机构。
- There are four separate banking regulators .
- 有两个独立的问题。
- There were two separate problems .
- oturakast包含不同的抽屉。
- Oturakast consist of separate drawers .
- 提供有竞争力的薪酬只是一部分。
- Offering competitive compensation is only part of it .
- 欧元在这其中扮演了重要角色。
- The euro has played a significant part in this .
- 评论家声称部分的问题是来源于技术本身。
- Critics say part of the problem may be the technology itself .
- 通俗社会学家喜欢将1945年以后出生的人划分为不同的群体。
- Pop sociologists like to divide people born since 1945 into different groups .
- 双方经过长达数十年的谈判,就如何划分该区域达成一致意见。
- The deal follows decades of negotiations between the two sides over how to divide the region .
- 这次纷争将加深他们的分裂。
- The dispute deepens their divide .
- 协议还允许这些人前往过去不得进入的地区分发食品。
- It also allows the teams to distribute food in areas previously off limits .
- 他称将通过“国家市场经济体制”使财富分配更加平均。
- He says he would distribute wealth more equally through a " national market economy " .
- 每个部门都会获得一定份额的空间和预算,并由他们自行分配,pelham说。
- The divisions each get a share of space and the budget which they distribute at their discretion pelham says .