- 美国白宫表示,电影业是美国关键的出口行业,美国在电影的其他音像产品方面享有120亿美元的全球贸易顺差。
- The industry is a key export for the u. s.which enjoys a $ 12 billion global trade surplus on films and other audiovisual products the white house said .
- 如果拥有贸易盈余的经济体重走老路,试图煽动出口需求而不是增加国内投资以推动消费行为,结果可能增加通货紧缩的压力。
- If surplus economies continue along a business-as-usual path , trying to stoke export demand rather than increasing domestic spending to boost consumption , it could increase deflationary pressures .
- 如果出现这种情况,盈余国家所吹嘘的“储蓄”将是虚幻的:在事后,卖方融资成为公开的出口补贴。
- If so , the vaunted " savings " of surplus countries will prove to have been illusory : vendor finance becomes , after the fact , open export subsidies .