- 在马可波罗建立了以他名字命名的现象后,他不需要自己让其后的每一个作家抓狂。
- After marco polo establishes his namesake effect , he does not have to psych out each individual writer after himself .
- 参加考试时,交际型聪明的人得到的分数可能会超过以他们所掌握的知识应得的,因为他们能“猜透”考试,还因为,当遇到一个他们不会回答的问题时,他们善于在试卷上写些看上去不错的东西。
- When taking exams , street-smart people are likely to get better grades than their knowledge merits because they can " psych out " the test , and because , when facing a problem or question they can-t answer , they are skilled at putting on the paper something that looks good .
- 在马可波罗建立了以他名字命名的现象后,他不需要自己让其后的每一个作家抓狂。
- After marco polo establishes his namesake effect , he does not have to psych out each individual writer after himself .