- 家庭是先于城邦而产生的,他包含着夫妻之间,父子之间,主人和奴隶之间的诸多关系。
- The family , which is chronologically prior to the state , involves a series of relations between husband and wife , parent and child , master and slave .
- 受1975年电影《曼丁哥族》又名《难忘的一夜》启发,(罗杰艾伯特破天荒的鄙视该电影并给予零星的评价)奥斯科特的小说讲述了一位美国南北战争期间的黑奴被迫训练去与其他奴隶打仗并与自己主人的妻子有染的故事。
- Inspired by the 1975 film mandingo ( which , for the record , roger ebert despised and gave zero stars ) , onstott 's novel tells the story of a slave named mede in the antebellum south who has been trained to fight other slaves and is having an affair with his master 's wife .
- 历代以来,我们一直宣扬自治的必要性,因为没有人有资格成为主人,也没有人应该成为奴隶。
- Across the generations we have proclaimed the imperative of self-government , because no one is fit to be a master , and no one deserves to be a slave .