- 不过帕美瑞拒绝评论这个问题。
- Palmieri declined to address the issue .
- 问题在于董事会本身。”
- The issue is the board . "
- 质量不再是个问题。
- Quality is no longer an issue .
- 海洋会排放出更少的氧气么?
- Will the ocean produce less oxygen ?
- 行动力产生能量和动力。
- Actions produce energy and momentum .
- java3d的灯光不能产生阴影。
- Java 3d lights do not produce shadows .
- 这些霍乱菌种是怎么来到海地的?
- Where did haiti 's cholera come from ?
- 人们会从世界各地来到香港。
- People from all around the world come .
- 印象主义从哪里来呢?
- Where did impressionism come from ?
- 带一位比你前任要出众的女伴一起去。
- Be sure to attend with someone way hotter than your ex - .
- 幸运的是,前总理布莱尔未受感染,家里的孩子也相安无事。
- Ex premier tony blair hasnotpicked up the bug , and the family 's children are also unaffected .
- 你无法记起你曾看到你的前女友,甚至当靠近她时你会感觉是对你新爱的背叛。
- You can 't remember what you ever saw in your ex , and even being near them feels like a betrayal of your new love .
- 她说和他们家人的通讯交流已经被切断了。
- She said communications with their extended family had been cut .
- 减少风险有两种途径。
- The risks cut two ways .
- 为什么要剪成短发呢?
- What made you cut it ?