- 婴儿潮时期的人口膨胀最先证实了这一点:作出承诺时,工作人口与退休人口的比率还很高。
- The demographic bulge caused by the baby-boomers helped at first : when the promises were made , the ratio of workers to retirees was high .
- 即便在那时,在很长一段时期内,英国仍是欧洲海岸线一个重要的凸出部分。
- Even then , for long spells britain remained a pregnant bulge in the coastline of europe .
- 其他的漩涡星系跟银河系一样,呈扁平状,在黑洞周围通常包含一个由恒星构成的中心凸出区。
- Other spiral galaxies , like ours , are similarly flattened and typically contain a central bulge of stars around a black hole .
- 机密三:为紫色项目招兵买马
- Recruiting for the " purple project "
- 2.要求在项目完成前获得部分款项
- Get a portion paid before the project is finished
- 每个项目大约会持续三到六个月。
- Each project lasted about three to six months .
- 南方水域的洋枪鱼是一种很讨厌的生物,它有着呆呆的嘴巴和凸出的眼睛,所以被绿色和平组织认为是最丑的鱼。
- The toothfish , found in southern waters , is an unlovely creature . All gawping mouth and bulging eyes , it was called the ugliest fish on the planet by greenpeace .
- 从手机通话的爆炸式增长,到啤酒公司的利润迅速膨胀,非洲消费者市场不断扩张的证据比比皆是。
- From the explosion of mobile telephony to bulging profits of beer companies , evidence of expanding consumer markets in africa abounds .
- 但是进食已经膨胀的罐头,可能会产生致命的严重后果,因为肿胀可能着该食物预示细菌污染。
- Eating food from a bulging can , however , could be potentially fatal because the swelling could signal bacterial contamination .