- 它同样引发了激烈的争议。
- It also triggered fierce debate .
- 原因之一是竞争非常激烈。
- One reason is fierce competition .
- 同时,西方的一些鸽派政治家表示,人们对于判决激烈的反应的影响微乎其微。
- Some doves in the west , meanwhile , say that a fierce reaction is unlikely to have any impact .
- 在伪饰中,一个香蕉可以作为一部电话机,一位父亲可以表现的如同一头凶猛的狮子。
- In pretense , a banana can serve as a telephone ; or a father can behave as if he were a ferocious lion .
- 1981年,一名年轻的加拿大电影制作人受邀执导一部以残忍的食人鱼和大量比基尼女郎为卖点的低成本恐怖片,他获得了职业生涯的第一个重大突破。
- In 1981 a young canadian filmmaker got his first big break when he was asked to direct a cheap horror movie that featured ferocious flesh-eating fish and lots of bikini-clad women .
- 这些类似的标志可以作为严刑拷问的正当理由(这就是证据)或者拒绝招供(这也是证据),甚至更加残忍的刑罚和最终致死也是合法的。
- Any of these " indicia " might justify the use of torture to produce a confession ( which was proof ) or the refusal to confess ( which was also proof ) and justified even more ferocious tortures and ultimately death .
- 那是因为你恶毒且变态吗?
- Is it because you are a vicious sociopath ?
- 建设性的意见和恶毒的指责是完全不同的。
- There is a difference between constructive criticism and vicious criticism .
- 硬说恶毒的言辞和暴力的行为之间有因果关系似乎有点牵强附会。
- The causal relationship between vicious talk and violent action is far less certain .
- 他们正在艰难应对一个险恶的两难困境。
- They are grappling with a fiendish dilemma .
- 随后是恶魔般的日本人,他们拥有了不起的复印机、照相机和汽车。
- Then came the fiendish japanese with their marvellous photocopiers and cameras and cars .
- 我们最终会打垮你,还有你那无恶不作的主人。
- Ultimately we 'll destroy you , along with your fiendish puppet master .