- 一堆堆生鸡腿在冰块上闪光,榴莲的味道在空中飘荡。
- Heaps of raw chicken feet glisten on ice . A whiff of durian fruit wafts through the air .
- 一堆堆生鸡腿在冰块上闪光,榴莲的味道在空中飘荡。
- Heaps of raw chicken feet glisten on ice . A whiff of durian fruit wafts through the air .
- 在超市一楼,人们用网捕鱼,在一桶桶青蛙、捆绑好的海龟还有闪着绿光的鸡脚中横挑竖捡。
- On the ground floor people net live fish and pick through tanks of frogs , trussed turtles and glistening chicken feet .
- 据说,驯养动物留下的碳足迹和它们的爪子大小不相称。
- It claims that the carbon footprint left by domesticated animals is out of proportion to the size of their paws .
- 与灵缇相比,猎豹通过让爪子在地上多停留零点几秒降低了这一风险。
- The cheetahs reduced this risk by letting their paws linger a fraction of a second longer on the ground than the greyhounds did .
- 你看,除我们之外还有星星,如果我伸出爪子,我可以利用星星作立脚点。
- Look , beyond us are the stars , and if I reach with my paws I can use the stars as footholds .