- aster技术小组领导mikeabrams介绍,望远镜就像人的眼睛一样,用两个不同的角度看世界,但是用三维视角合成。
- The telescopes , says aster science team leader mike abrams , are like two human eyes-seeing the world from two different angles , but combining for a three-dimensional view .
- 带着悲剧性的眼神憔悴似鬼的生物目睹了在不可及的南北极地区的重大灾难的恐怖的场景,这些灾难是人类也无法构想出的,也没有人能忍受凝化高温。
- Gaunt spectral creatures with tragical eyes -- eyes which had witnessed scenes of cataclysmal horror in inaccessible polar regions of a magnitudesuch as no human being had ever conceived , in curdling temperatures that no man could endure .
- 在人类的眼睛里,各种各样的圆状细胞帮助我们分辨颜色。
- In human eyes , a variety of cone cells helps us to distinguish between colors .