- 既然是苍蝇、水下往往非常小,若虫可捕捞能力测验有钓鱼、初学钓鱼的时候,叶非常沮丧.
- Since the fly is underwater and is often extremely small , nymph fishing can test the abilities of any angler , and often leaves the beginner angler extremely frustrated .
- 研制一种能获批准的新药是一个长期的、化费昂贵的工程我们强加的一些规则甚至还有税收政策往往会使事情变得更糟。
- Finding an approvable new drug is a long , expensive process that too often goes awry -- and often , the rules we impose make things worse , and even tax policy .
- 研究人员说,那些意识到自己喜欢男人的黑人男青少年经常是因为太贫困而无法搬到对同性恋宽容的旧金山或纽约等城市,而且他们经常必须对其亲朋好友隐藏其同性恋者的身份,这样就使得他们容易发生隐蔽且危险的性关系。
- Black teenage boys who realize they are attracted to men are often too poor to move to gay-friendly cities like san francisco or new york , researchers said , and often must keep their homosexuality hidden from relatives and friends , making it more likely they will have furtive , risky sex .
- 事实一再表明,当美国人感到特别忧郁时,其经济理复兴只有一步之遥了。
- Time and again when americans have felt particularly glum their economy has been on the brink of a revival .
- 这个故事一直被人们反复讲述,只是内容有所变化。
- With variations this story has been repeated time and again .
- 美国经济过去曾多次战胜了这样的危机。
- The us economy has overcome such crises time and again in the past .