- 遗传性凝血因子Ⅺ缺陷症一例家系基因缺陷研究。
- Investigation on gene defects in a pedigree with inherited coagulation factor .
- 他们检查了他的动脉和肺,计算了他的血液凝结速度。
- They checked his arteries and lungs and timed his coagulation rate .
- 慢性出血性内痔患者采用内镜下橡胶圈结扎术与双极电凝血法的前瞻性随机比较研究。
- Randomized prospective study of endoscopic rubber band ligation compared with bipolar coagulation for chronically bleeding internal hemorrhoids .
- 今天早上,厚厚的内窗上挂满了凝结的水珠。
- This morning the thick interior windows drip with heavy condensation .
- 高湿度会引起蒸汽在电子设备上凝结,而98度以上的高温会给冷却系统更大压力。
- High humidity causes condensation buildup in electronic devices , and temperatures above 98 degrees can really stress out the cooling system .
- 以前不被人们关注的气压下降为他们的观点提供了依据,这种气压下降发生在水从气态凝结到液态的过程。
- They base this on the previously unconsidered drop in pressure that occurs when water passes from gas to liquid state in condensation .
- 自然主义试图将科学精神浓缩为一种哲学理论。
- Naturalism tries to condense the scientific spirit into a philosophical theory .
- 唯一的区别在于他们付出了努力去独立思考并且将他们对此的理解浓缩成了一份列表。
- The only difference is they made the effort to think for themselves and condense their understanding into a list .
- 当核爆的热量减少,被蒸发放射性物质会浓缩到这些颗粒中,然后落到地面。
- As the heat diminishes , radioactive materials that have vaporized condense on the particles and fall back to earth .
- 当地产业环境与群聚动态。
- Local industrial environment and agglomeration dynamic .
- 集聚效应的存在与否和大小是影响区城经济发展的重要因素。
- The existence of agglomeration and its size is an important factor affecting regional economic development .
- 城市群空间范围的界定是城市群研究的基础。
- The spatial scope definition is the foundation of urban agglomeration researching .