- 他尽其所能去削弱他们。
- He did his best to weaken them .
- 假如此次重蹈覆辙将会减弱他的威信。
- A repeat performance would weaken his credibility .
- 相悖的信息会使你的品牌打造效果大大减弱。
- Conflicting messages weaken your branding efforts .
- 所有的这些都是对于“通过将互相怀疑的人带到一起,电子通信减少了冲突”断言的一种谨慎回应。
- All this argues for a cautious response to claims that e-communications abate conflict by bringing mutually suspicious people together .
- 最近,随着经济担忧成了全世界最为关注的问题,有关俄罗斯话题的重要性有所减弱。
- Lately , as economic concerns globally proved to be a priority , the importance of this topic appears to abate .
- 最后,我们看到他的警告:带来通缩时代的基本动力正开始减弱。
- We are left with his warning that the fundamental forces that delivered the era of disinflation are starting to abate .
- 同联邦政府的财政刺激带来的帮助一样,存货变动对经济的拉动也将继续减弱。
- The boost from inventory changes will continue to fade , as will the help from federal stimulus .
- 但他警告说,政策的刺激力度会逐渐减弱,而私人需求还没有准备好接替它。
- But he warned that policy stimulus would fade , and that private demand was not ready to take over .
- 当这些临时因素渐渐减弱时,当消费者们在近期汽油价格回落中得到好处时,就业形势可能仍旧会好转。
- As those temporary factors fade , and as consumers get the benefit of a recent drop in petrol prices , job creation may still rebound .
- 这将抑制它们的放贷意愿。
- That will damp their will to lend .
- 银行这样减少资产会抑制经济增长。
- Such asset reductions can damp economic growth .
- 将蔬菜存放在稍微潮湿的沙子里面是多年以来的蔬菜存储方法。
- Keeping vegetables in slightly damp sand has been a storage method for many centuries .