- 几波恐慌以及迫切要求美联储(federalreserve)加强干预的哀号凸显了周四市场突然出现的脆弱情绪。
- Whiffs of panic and plaintive cries for more intervention from the federal reserve underscored the market 's suddenly fragile sentiment on thursday .
- 所以,他表情严肃,甚至略带悲伤,这让球场上他那张原本影星般英俊的脸不那么英俊了。
- Hence the expression , serious even to mournful , that shadowed his film-star-handsome face on the course .
- 听了一会儿后这个陌生人也跟著唱起了悲哀的挽歌。
- The stranger , after listening for a moment , joined in the mournful dirge .
- 很多人误以为,有着灰色皮肤、悲伤眼神、迈着缓慢沉重步履的大象性格都是忧郁的。
- With their grey skin , mournful eyes and slow plodding gait , you could be forgiven for thinking elephants are uniformly melancholy creatures .