- 一个来自加拿大向下移动的冷锋与遭遇来自墨西哥湾的湿气,导致从堪萨斯州经德克萨斯州一直向东到密苏里州产生了冰雨、雪和骤降的暴雨。
- A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and eastward into missouri .
- 上海地区低温、雨雪、冰冻灾害的风险区划。
- Risk regionalization of meteorological disasters caused by cryogenic freezing rain and snow in shanghai .
- 气象人员对从西南部的德克萨斯到中西部的伊利诺伊再到东北部的缅因州美国一半以上的地区发布了暴风雪、冬季风暴以及冻雨的警告。
- Forecasters have issued blizzard , winter storm and freezing rain warnings for more than half the country from the southwestern state of texas through the midwestern state of illinois and into the northeastern state of maine .
- 一篇论文阐述了达芬奇的阴影技术,刊登在《德国应用化学国际版》(angewandtechemieinternationaledition)上,同时也指出这位艺术家在釉料配方上也是非常挑剔的。
- A paper describing da vinci 's shadow science , published in angewandte chemie international edition , also suggests that the artist was picky about his glaze recipes .
- 例如,在油画《圣母子与圣安妮》中,用来创造圣母脸上阴影的釉料,和孩子脸上阴影使用的釉料中包含不同的色素。
- For example , in the painting " the virgin and child with st anne " , the virgin 's face is shadowed by glaze that contains different pigments to those in the shadowing glaze on the child .
- 他会用钢丝刷刷橡木,给其着色然后再上光。
- He 'll wire-brush the oak , stain it and then glaze it .