- 可是在一个寒风刺骨的冬日夜晚,吸血鬼逛遍大街小巷也找不到一个活人。
- But be in the wintry day night with a biting cold wind , bloodsucker rambles ave lane also cannot find a living person .
- 可是在一个寒风刺骨的冬日夜晚,吸血鬼逛遍大街小巷也找不到一个活人。
- But be in the wintry day night with a biting cold wind , bloodsucker rambles ave lane also cannot find a living person .
- 她的尖叫声一直追着他们穿过曲曲折折的小巷,直到他们来到明亮的阳光下。
- Her shrieks followed them all the way along the twisting alleyway out into bright sunlight .
- 在一个破的旧胡同里,你能看见修电视的人,织毯子的人,以及卖水果,蔬菜和禽类(无论死活)的小贩。
- In one run-down alleyway you 'll see people repairing televisions , making blankets , and selling fruits , vegetables , and poultry ( live or dead ) .
- 李管庄一条狭窄的小巷里,居民在一个发恶臭的垃圾堆附近消磨掉了一个炎热的下午,担心推土机什么时候会来。
- In a narrow alleyway in liguanzhuang village , residents idle away a hot afternoon near a stinking rubbish dump , worrying about when the bulldozers will come .
- 他小心的开到那条长长的小路上去。
- He drove up the long laneway with care .
- 不稳固岩层中的巷道掘进与支护实践。
- Practices of laneway driving and supporting in unstable terrane .
- 据凯恩斯邮报报道,在位于澳洲北部凯恩斯市的23岁男子,闯入多处蓝威成人用品商店(lanewayadultshop)并同名为“密林简”的充气娃娃发生关系。
- The 23-year-old allegedly broke into the laneway adult shop in the northen australian city of cairns on several occasions , having sex with a doll named " jungle jane , " the cairns post reported .