- 以军队则否认了这一指控。
- The army denies the charge .
- 我们是向贵公司收费吗?
- Shall we charge this to your company ?
- 朝鲜否认了这一指控。
- North korea denies the charge .
- 攻击性的武器可以被禁止吗?
- Can assault weapons be banned ?
- 所控罪行还包括虐待,袭击和威胁。
- The alleged offenses also included maltreatment , assault and threats .
- 呼喊所带来的震撼被认为促成了袭击的结束。
- The shock effect is believed to have helped to end the assault .
- 到南极去不必匆忙。
- You can 't rush to antarctica .
- 罚点球时千万不可匆忙!
- Don 't rush penalty kicks !
- 在愤怒达到一定程度时,血液真的会冲上大脑。
- Blood really does rush to the head during a fit of anger .
- 相反,欧盟许多建议的基本要点似乎很有危害性。
- By contrast , the thrust of many of the proposals coming out of brussels looks harmful .
- 在监管改革方案要点和很多机构的最新战略之间,存在着显著的趋同性。
- There is a striking degree of convergence between the thrust of planned regulatory reforms and the new strategic thinking of many institutions .
- 报告的要点是,尽管相互依存应促成对协作行动的更多诉求,但国内政治正在朝着另一个方向发展。
- Its basic thrust is that while interdependence should be driving demand for more collective action , domestic politics are pulling in the other direction .