- 艺术节我们要跳一个巨可怕的集体舞需有急速摔倒、高抬腿等暴烈难度的动作。
- Artistic moral integrity we should jump the group dancing of a gigantic dreariness -- need to quickness carries trip , high the movement of the violent difficulty such as the leg .
- 而瑜伽练习对增进练习者的身心健康极为有利;它能使其个性更加平和;心绪更加宁静安详。
- But the yoga practice to promotes practitioner 's physical and moral integrity to be extremely advantageous ; it can cause its individuality to be gentler ; the state of mind is tranquiller serenely .
- 本文以世纪末文化观、价值观的偏移为宏观背景,肯定并歌颂了神性作家于此精神萎缩的现实,高擎信仰的旗帜,呼唤美德与操守、探求人类终极走向的创作与精神追求。
- This paper , on the background of end of the centry which deviation from the tradition culture and value , confirms and extrols that the godhead writers holding up the flag of belief , calling the moral excellence and integrity , still firmly seek for the ultimate aim of mankind in the shrinkage in mental .
- 所有的道路都指向紧缩。
- All roads lead to austerity .
- 葡萄牙与西班牙可以实施紧缩政策。
- Portugal and spain can pursue austerity .
- 所有这些年里希腊人民都将过着节衣缩食的日子。
- All the while , the greek people would be living with austerity .
- 雪葩是良好绝热体。
- Sherbet is a good insulator .
- 客人们正在喝咖啡,柠檬水或冰冻果子露。
- The guests were drinking coffee , lemonade , or sherbet .
- 图片来自粉红果冻摄影(已获许可)
- Image by pink sherbet photography ( license ) .