- 今年,尽管国际金融危机还未破冰,众多以出口为支撑的企业还处于寒冬期,但是佳华企业却信心满满,因为河蚬的国际市场行情日趋看好,年初每吨价格已上涨70美元。
- This year , despite the international financial crisis has not been ice-breaking , many export-enterprise support is still in the winter period , but the excellent enterprises in china are full of confidence , as corbicula fluminea international market increasingly optimistic about the beginning of the year the price per ton has risen 70 u.s. dollars .
- 一个目击者描述,在女王去肯塔基州一户养马人家时,一只小狗当着女王的大便,这打破了沉默的气氛。
- A witness describes how a puppy defecated in front of the queen during a visit to a kentucky horse-breeder , breaking the ice .
- 他补充道:“如果当前的全球变暖继续下去,我估计可以看到更多浮冰,更多的冰架会断裂。”
- " If the current trends in global warming were to continue I would anticipate seeing more icebergs and the large ice shelves breaking up , " he added .