- 国内经济被冻结并不断衰退。
- The economy is frozen and sinking .
- 突然间,世界看起来不那么冰冻了。
- And suddenly the world seemed a little less frozen .
- 世界五分之四的淡水都在冰冻状态。
- Four-fifths of the world 's fresh water is frozen .
- 路透社报道,如此天气对非洲的影响好坏参半,阿尔及利亚和突尼斯的农夫们为缓解旱情的降水欢欣鼓舞,而同时摩洛哥的农民则为随之而来的霜冻天气忧心不已。
- Results in africa were mixed , reuters reported , with farmers in algeria and tunisia grateful for the drought-easing precipitation , and farmers in morocco worried about frost .
- 很多会在初霜之时死去,其他的则会蛰伏到来年春天。
- Many will die off with the first frost whilst others hibernate until the following spring .
- 所有人都知道俄罗斯是一个北方国家,有着雪,霜,寒冷的冬天。
- All people know russia is a northern country with snow , frost , cold winter .
- 这种保存方法被证明要优于冷冻贮存法。
- This technique proved better than freezing .
- 尽管如此,冻结经济特区看来也是可怕的。
- Still , freezing the sezs looked dreadful .
- 通过冷冻可使口香糖硬化,进而阻止它在衣物中越陷越深。
- Hardening the gum by freezing stops it sinking deeper into the fabric .
- 结论新鲜冰冻血浆和冷沉淀具有减轻stz所致损伤的作用。
- Conclusion ffp and cryo can improve liver damage induced by stz .
- 目的探讨血液成分新鲜冰冻血浆和冷沉淀对链脲佐菌素糖尿病大鼠的影响。
- Objective to explore the effect of fresh frozen plasma ( ffp ) and crytoprecipitate ( cryo ) on diabetes induced by streptozocin ( stz ) in rats .