- 它们造成的不公平感是对经济和政治安全的威胁。
- The sense of injustice they engender is a threat to economic and political security .
- 很多不同的团体现在都越来越感到不公正。
- A sense of injustice is now growing in many different groups .
- 腐败官僚们的财富显著增加,加剧了他们的不公平感。
- The conspicuous display of riches by corrupt bureaucrats heightens their sense of injustice .
- 今年三季度福特在欧洲的生意出现亏损。
- Ford slipped into loss in europe in the third quarter .
- 这是该银行40年来首次出现半年度亏损。
- It was the bank 's first half-year loss in four decades .
- bunge上周公布的第二季度营运业绩意外出现亏损。
- Bunge last week posted an unexpected operating loss in the second quarter .
- 美国零售商表示,现有签证制度让美国在全球处于不利地位。
- Us retailers argue that the current system places the us at a global disadvantage .
- 然而,没有了资金支持,盖基将处在很不利的位置上。
- Without funding , though , ms. geikie will be at a big disadvantage .
- 网络营销已经减弱了几年来小企业面临大企业竞争时面对的不利因素。
- E-marketing has lessened the disadvantage that small businesses have faced for years when competing with larger businesses .
- 她以前是你老婆?
- Ever bn married to her ?
- 你已经被蒙骗了!你已经被占有了!
- You 've bn hoodwinked ! You 've been had !