- 敲打着哀乐走向坟墓。
- Funeral marches to the grave .
- 然而,问题却十分严重。
- But the problems are grave .
- 但是,他的坟墓至今仍然是一处圣地。
- His grave remains a shrine , however .
- 采石场的底部就是公元一世纪的石头墓。
- At the bottom lay the rock tomb from the first century .
- 一具早期纳斯卡时期的部落小孩木乃伊被发现于墓中。
- Tomb discovered of an elite child dating to the early nasca period .
- 在飓风的天气条件下,士兵仍然守卫者无名烈士墓。
- Soldiers weather hurricane conditions at the tomb of the unknown soldier .