- 克拉克很符合我脑海中英国农场主的形象。
- Clarke resembled my idea of a british farmer .
- 那天晚上,农夫根本无法入睡。
- That night the farmer couldn sleep .
- 年轻的农夫奥克陷入了爱河。
- Young farmer oak was in love .
- 但是最猛烈的批评是那些农民对其土地权的捍卫印度财政部长帕拉尼亚潘齐丹巴拉姆(palaniappanchidambaram)甚至称之为“农夫与土地之间神圣的纽带”。
- But the fiercest critics are those defending the right of farmers to their plots-what even palaniappan chidambaram , india 's finance minister , calls " the sacred tie between the tiller and the land " .
- 随着播期的推迟以及蘖位的增高,各分蘖的穗分化日期推迟。
- The young spike differentiation date of tillers was postponed with delayed sowing date and elevated tiller position .
- 赞成堕胎的团体也害怕蒂勒医生之死将会阻碍医生们提供堕胎和女性寻求他们的帮助。
- Pro-choice groups fear that dr tiller 's murder will deter doctors from providing abortions and women from seeking them .
- 一般美国人都是受过教育的农民。
- The everage american was an educated husbandman .
- 实践和方法不完全是知觉意识转化的真实原因。这只是令他们趋向于此而渐次移除障碍。如同农夫在耕种前所作的准备。
- The practices and methods are not the true cause of the transfer of consciousness but they serve to remove obstacles , just as the husbandman prepares his ground for sowing .
- 一度被杰斐逊奉为英雄的农民,昔日俨然是男子汉大丈夫,而今却一落千丈,成了乡下人、庄稼汉、乡巴佬。
- Once the hero of jefferson , the virtuous husbandman , he was the rube , the hick , the hayseed .