- 但是由于化疗使得他的头发不断脱落,他戴上了一顶帽子。
- But he lost his hair due to chemotherapy and started wearing a black cap .
- 不妨放弃青年人的棒球帽而戴其他流行款式的帽子。
- Try other fashionable styles of caps , rather than the very adolescent baseball cap .
- 这种装置是一顶帽子,对应前额部位处有循环凉水的管子通过。
- The device is a cap worn over the forehead containing tubes that circulate cool water .
- 约翰的女儿露易丝在马莱区的一家古董及名牌服装店试戴一顶新的贝雷帽。
- The author 's daughter louise tries on a new beret in one of the marais 's many vintage and designer clothes shops .
- 几个月以前,那时我在纽约,地铁里,一个头戴贝雷帽的老人挨着我坐了下来。
- Some months ago , when I was in new york , an old man wearing a beret sat down next to me on the subway .
- 头戴红色贝雷帽的发言人卡马拉上尉(captmoussacamara)表示,该集团希望“拯救人民于危难之中”。
- Its spokesman , capt moussa camara , wearing a red beret , said the junta wanted to " save a people in distress " .
- 戴一顶有沿的帽子。
- Wear a hat with a brim .
- 现在没人戴帽子了。
- No one wears a hat anymore .
- 戴上帽子,这也是一种保护措施。
- Hat on , some sort of protection .