- 每个细胞都包含几十个基因,它们约束其健康生长和繁殖。
- Each cell contain dozens of genes that regulate its healthy growth and reproduction .
- 辅助生殖在非自然的实验环境中包含了许多处理。
- Assisted reproduction involves many manipulations in an unnatural lab environment .
- 这一发现对人类生殖学之外的领域同样具有意义。
- The discovery has implications for research in fields other than human reproduction .
- 深沉的男性声音天生就有吸引力,因为它表明较大的青春期睾丸激素,且与生殖的适合度有关。
- A deep male voice is inherently attractive , as it indicates greater exposure to pubertal testosterone and is linked to reproductive fitness .
- 当一个新的雄性狮尾狒猴控制了一个再生殖的群体后,它通常会杀死它前辈所留下的崽子。
- When a new male gelada monkey takes control of a reproductive group , he will typically kill off the babies of his predecessor .
- 在上世纪90年代晚期,当我和梅琳达开始我们的捐赠时,我们更关注生殖的健康而不是儿童的夭折。
- When melinda and I first started our giving , in the late 1990s , our focus was on reproductive health rather than childhood deaths .