- 自由民主党也被国内的矛盾围攻。
- The party is beset by internal conflict .
- 内部检讨反映出什么?
- What do internal reviews reveal ?
- 很多行业存在着内部矛盾。
- Many industries have internal conflicts .
- 我们内脏里的细菌会吞噬糖类和脂肪酸一类的物质,它们通过呼吸作用和发酵作用可以分解此类物质。
- Bacteria in our gut gobble up things like sugars and fatty acids , which they can break down either through respiration or fermentation .
- 这种外壳可以保持药物成分的完整性,直到它们到达特定地方你的肠的最底端。
- This armour keeps the components intact until they reach their target destination the lower portion of your gut .
- 罪魁祸首是特别恶心的大肠杆菌族的一种,通常情况下驻于肠内且对人体无害。
- The culprit is an especially nasty strain of e. coli , which normally resides harmlessly in the gut .
- 这种结肠镜对肠壁造成的影响较小,能减轻患者的不适感。
- This exerts less pressure onto the bowel wall , reducing the patient 's discomfort .
- 作为试验对象的包括关节炎、糖尿病、肠易激综合征、疟疾和牛皮癣。
- These include arthritis , diabetes , irritable bowel syndrome , malaria and psoriasis .
- 她说其它的在女性中更为常见的慢性疼痛还有纤维肌痛和大范围肌肉痛,肠易激综合症和类风湿关节炎。
- She said other chronic pain conditions more prevalent in women than in men include fibromyalgia or widespread muscle pain , irritable bowel syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis .
- 煲着的牛肚的汤锅是如何做到看上去那么邪恶,而吃起来却那么美味?
- How can a simmering tureen of tripe stock look so evil , yet smell so good ?
- 不管他喜欢辣子鸡丁还是炖牛肚,去网上找个菜谱,试着给他做一份。
- Whether he likes chicken enchiladas or tripe stew look up a recipe online and give it a whirl .
- 躲在红色可口可乐太阳伞下的游客们,一边端着盘子吃着牛肚和鸡肉咖喱,一边欣赏着院子那边身着盛装的部落歌手的吟唱。
- Tourists , hiding from the sun under red coca-cola umbrellas , pick at plates of tripe or chicken curry as the voices of costumed tribal singers drift across a patio .