- 在特定站点内搜索。
- Search within a specific website .
- 在规定期限内完成它们。
- Accomplish them within the deadline .
- 这些阻碍来自你自身内部。
- The blocks are within yourself .
- 从中可以得知其内部结构。
- That reveals their inner structure .
- 他的内部圈子也被他恐吓。
- Even his inner circle was terrified .
- 这需要你内心的改变。
- It takes an inner revolution .
- 我在我的房间中默默哀悼。
- I mourned quietly inside my room .
- 他像就在我内心里一样。
- It felt right inside me .
- 呆在山峡里是很冷的。
- It 's cold inside the gut .
- 此框架也许推动了利益相关者理论与组织间关系,雇佣关系和组织内关系的研究。
- This framework may advance stakeholder theory and research on interorganizational relationships , the employment relationship , and intra organizational relationships .
- 在现代社会,很多贸易活动都发生在公司内部,或是交易那些应进口商主动要求而生产的商品。
- In the modern world much trade is intra - company or trade in goods produced at the importer 's initiative .
- 本文认为工作轮换可以是企业内部隐性知识转移的一种有效方法。
- This paper proposed that job rotation could be an effective way to intra organizational transfer of tacit knowledge .
- 现在,远藤三郎又回到了家里,他坐在客厅里,同时在吸着氧气。
- Mr. endo is home again now . He sits in his living room tethered to an oxygen tube .
- 医生警告远藤说,他的血压迅速上升,他需要放松。
- A doctor warned mr. endo that his blood pressure has shot up and that he needs to relax .
- 日本电器生产商日本电气(nec)社长远藤信博(nobuhiroendo)表示,该集团迄今受欧洲危机的影响不大。
- Nobuhiro endo , president of nec , the japanese electronics maker , said the group had so far suffered little impact from the european crisis .