- 长寿小玉柜:此小玉柜上镶有不同颜色玉所组成的人物及花鸟,“寿”字是这个柜子的主体,是长寿富贵的象征。
- Small jade cabinet : different kinds of jade inlay different people and flower on the cabinet and longevity is the main part of it . It 's a symbol of wealth and longevity .
- 网络翡翠消费的主要特点是消费商品以低档为主、消费者钟爱传统题材、重视翡翠种质以及网上拍卖。
- The characteristics of jadeite jade consumption on internet are that the consumers prefer to low-end products with traditional styles , sorts of jadeite jade and auction on internet .
- 无论如何,会有英国球员出现在女子双打第二轮比赛中,比如乔治斯托普和劳拉罗布森(上)对阵柯蒂斯和安妮史密斯。
- At least there will be some british representation in the second round of the womens doubles as georgie stoop and laura robson , top , take on jade curtis and anna smith