- 那么为什么社会性贷款者不提高利率呢?
- Why aren 't social lenders raising their rates ?
- 提高利率会使这场争斗愈发恶化。
- Raising rates would make the struggle even worse .
- 该组织采用了很多方法提高人们的觉悟。
- Raising awareness takes a number of forms .
- 眼泪是强迫繁殖的工具吗?
- Tears as a captive breeding tool ?
- 对坂本博士来说,在抗病性鱼类育种方面,这个认识为他提供了宝贵的先机。
- And that gives dr sakamoto an invaluable head-start when it comes to breeding disease-resistant fish .
- 1975年它们从斯堪的纳维亚被重新引入到苏格兰,现在那里有42处育种区。
- It was reintroduced to scotland from scandinavia in 1975 and there are now 42 breeding territories there .
- 如何不抚养孩子。
- How not to bring up your children .
- 这里只将我个人的因素提出来供参考。
- This will only my personal factors bring up for reference .
- 受过教育的女性不仅能增加生产率,而且可以养育教育程度更高、更健康的孩子。
- Not only will educated women be more productive but they will also bring up better educated and healthier children .
- 十年前,布鲁克林博物馆在一次后出口的重建中拆除了雕塑园。
- Ten years ago , the brooklyn museum dismantled the sculpture garden during a reconstruction of its rear entrance .
- 就在这时,一个男人在机舱的后面站起来了。
- Then , a man stands up in the rear of the plane .
- 在旧的邦联土方工程后面几百码的地方是一座木头小山。
- A few hundred yards to the rear of the old confederate earthworks is a wooded hill .