- 外国地面部队没有进入利比亚。
- No foreign ground troops were deployed .
- 军队则发射催泪弹予以回应。
- Troops responded by firing tear gas .
- 军队目前都在边界严阵以待。
- Troops are massing on the border .
- 政治势力之间的分歧难以弥合。
- Big differences persist between political forces .
- 两个主要的驱动力正在发挥作用。
- Two main driving forces are at work .
- 目前,日元受到了反对势力的冲击。
- The yen is now being buffeted by opposing forces .
- 科技也能开出良方。
- Technology might provide some answers .
- 自己也能感觉到腹部肿胀。
- You might also feel bloated .
- 能获得更高的品牌忠诚度。
- Might secure greater brand loyalty .