- 当他在1973年进入国会之时,许多人认为他粗野蛮横、愚钝无礼,可是他们却惊讶的发现他说话得体、谈吐不凡,因为真实诚恳、知识渊博所以与1980年担任以色列的外交部长来处理外交事务。
- When he entered the knesset in 1973 many thought him dull and boorish , and were surprised that he made a decent speaker and , in 1980 , a foreign minister with a genuine and knowledgeable interest in foreign affairs .
- 当他在1973年进入国会之时,许多人认为他粗野蛮横、愚钝无礼,可是他们却惊讶的发现他说话得体、谈吐不凡,因为真实诚恳、知识渊博所以与1980年担任以色列的外交部长来处理外交事务。
- When he entered the knesset in 1973 many thought him dull and boorish , and were surprised that he made a decent speaker and , in 1980 , a foreign minister with a genuine and knowledgeable interest in foreign affairs .