- 为什么出口会增加呢?
- Why the rise in exports ?
- facebook的崛起令人印象深刻。
- Facebook 's rise had been impressive .
- 电力需求仍会上涨。
- Power demand still would rise .
- 要想繁荣发展,两国都必须进行改革。
- Both must make changes to prosper .
- 由老人主导的组织往往不会兴旺。
- Organisations dominated by geriatrics tend not to prosper .
- 旅游业和农产品出口可能也会兴旺发达起来。
- Tourism and agricultural exports might prosper , too .
- 有巨大的社会压力要求提拔女性。
- There is huge social pressure to promote women .
- 争论的气氛能提升灵活度。
- The contentious atmosphere can promote flexibility .
- 这又如何能促进经济的增长?
- How does that promote growth ?
- 这就是贸易战的开端。
- That is how trade wars start .
- 这总会是一个好的开端。
- Is always a good start .
- 但这是一个良好的开端。
- But this is a promising start .