- 第十一条每日信息是指每个交易日结束后发布的有关当日的交易信息。
- Article 11 daily information refers to the trading information for each trading day disseminated after the closing of the market on that day .
- 甘比街大桥将在奥运会开幕式和闭幕式期间禁止机动车行驶,温哥华奥组委在昨天公布其最后一部分交通运输方案时表示。
- The cambie street bridge will be closed to vehicles for the opening and closing olympic ceremonies , vanoc said yester day as the organization unveiled the final piece of its transportation plan .
- 上海综合指数隔日收盘价预测之研究。
- A study on the forecasting of next-day closing price for sse composite index .