- 指一个音段影响了另一个音段的清晰度,以致语音变得不太相似或不同。
- The influence exercised by one sound segment upon the articulation of another , so that the sounds become less alike , or different .
- 以天津南开大学体育馆扩声系统设计为例阐述了三者之间的关系,说明了语言清晰度设计的重要性。
- Taking the sound reinforcement system design of nankai university gymnasium as an example , the relationshiop of the three elements are elaborated , and the importance of the speech articulation design is discussed .
- 颞下颌关节和面侧深区解剖。
- Temporomandibular articulation and deep region of lateral facial .
- 右手手腕克雷氏骨折~损伤到关节面我的性别是男。
- Mrs. kelei fracture ~ injures the right hand finesse to arthrosis face .
- 晚上腿关节经常酸疼是关节炎吗。
- That frequent leg arthrosis acid aches in the evening is arthritis what .
- 结论:晚期踝关节和晚期髋关节疾病所导致的心理和生理方面疾患的严重程度至少是无差异的。
- Conclusions : the mental and physical disability associated with end-stage ankle arthrosis is at least as severe as that associated with end-stage hip arthrosis .
- 性爱高手推荐用食指插入阴道前壁至第二个关节,并作出“到这里来”的手势。
- Sexual virtuosos recommend inserting the forefinger to about the second knuckle and making a ' come here ' motion towards the front vaginal wall .
- 实验对象被要求用他们空出来的右手拿着一根棍子,指出他们左手每个指尖和关节的位置。
- The subjects were asked to use their free right hand point with a baton to the location of each knuckle and fingertip of their left hand .
- 指关节弯曲也是一种不错的道别方式的选择。
- Knuckle bumps are a fantastic alternative to saying goodbye .