- 当前的危机会平稳过去的。
- This immediate crisis may well pass .
- 不是所有的国家都能通过。
- Not all countries will pass .
- 这一年龄段与专家们建议开始把财产传给下一代的时间大致相同。
- These ages roughly coincide with the time when experts advocate beginning to pass money to succeeding generations .
- 但驱使你去建造堡垒的主要原因是什么呢?
- But the chief reason for the primal drive to build forts ?
- 带轮子的巨大堡垒在开放的空间纵横驰骋,其速度宛如今天的特快列车。
- Huge forts on wheels will dash across open spaces at the speed of express trains of today .
- 我只好到各处炮台和村庄全部呈现。
- I have got to go round all the forts and villages showing them .