- 每个网站都会有一些读者觉得有用且产生共鸣。
- Every website will resonate with an audience which finds it relevant .
- 占领华尔街运动看上去像是会在美国黑人群体中产生共鸣。
- Occupy wall street might seem like a movement that would resonate with black americans .
- 类似的想法也引起2016年奥林匹克申办城市东京的共鸣。
- Such sentiments also resonate in tokyo , the potential 2016 olympic host tokyo .
- 歌手们只是用来赚取同情心的。
- Artists are just useful for winning sympathy .
- 公众对农民的同情正日益减弱。
- Sympathy for farmers is fading .
- 全家人同情地朝着我微笑。
- The family smiles in sympathy .
- 一些西方外交官呼应这一指责。
- Some western diplomats echo the accusations .
- 即使那回声也说不出我的藏身之处。
- Echo shall not so much as whisper my hiding place .
- 亚洲金融危机的另一个回声可以在发达国家找到。
- Another echo of the asian crisis is found in the developed world .
- 这就是真实生活中的移情作用。
- This is how empathy works in real life .
- 他表现出一种恰当处理小问题的成熟能力以及更大程度的移情。
- Nicolas shows a mature ability to put small problems in perspective and greater empathy .
- 每个人都能看出它是什么就是一杯由敬畏和移情所调制的乏味的鸡尾酒。
- Everyone can see what it is a bland cocktail of awe and empathy .