- 欧洲不仅由于多种语言而不能形成统一的市场,同时也由于缺少一个合适地常规服务市场,其中包括数位服务,因此高科技公司必须一致克服各种各样的法律和政治上的障碍来与欧盟贸易。
- Europe is fragmented not only by multiple languages but also by the lack of a properly common market in services , including digital ones , so tech firms must still overcome assorted legal and bureaucratic barriers to trade across the eu .
- 在他们看来,统一市场就如同被欧洲的官僚机构和法律规章所形成的一层硬壳包裹起来的一颗珍珠。
- They view the common market as a pearl surrounded by a dismal encrustation of european bureaucracy and regulation .
- 阿根廷共和国、巴西联邦共和国、巴拉圭共和国和乌拉圭东岸共和国建立共同市场条约;
- Treaty establishing a common market between the argentine republic , the federative republic of brazil , the republic of paraguay and the eastern republic of uruguay ;