- 大多数知青在他们的公社长达8年,从1978年起才开始返城。
- Most people stayed as long as eight years in their commune and only started returning to cities from 1978 onwards .
- 在英国,这可能意味着学习法国,向法国人学习,由一个法国式的社区系统中直接选举市长。
- In britain , it could mean looking to the french , learning from the french , getting directly elected mayors in place in a french commune system .
- 虽然韩女士当时被允许回家复习以参与考试,但令她感动惊慌的是当她听说在公社大会上,她已经成为众矢之的,她被说成是为了追求个人野心而宁愿牺牲革命的人。
- Ms. han was allowed to return home to study for the exam , but she became alarmed when she heard that she had been criticized at a commune meeting for pursuing personal ambition at the expense of the revolution .
- 一个星期后,她死于艾滋,她的尸体被一辆手推车运到了公共的墓地。
- A week later , she died of aids and her body was taken in a wheelbarrow to a communal grave .
- 他们觉得,由于西方的幸福概念是非常个人而非公共的,所以当一个人频繁追求幸福时,他的社会联系会受负面影响。
- They suspected that because western concepts of happiness are very personal - as opposed to communal - one 's social connections might suffer if one pursues happiness too intensely .
- 我能听到人们说话的喃喃的声音,在走廊的末尾,我看到一大群人在公共的清洗和烹饪区谈笑。
- I could hear the soft murmur of voices and , at the end of the corridor , saw a cluster of people laughing and talking in the communal washing and cooking area .
- 我盯着看他的身份牌。
- I stare at his id badge .
- 身份识别系统已经在其他地方证明了自己的价值。
- Id systems have proved their worth elsewhere .
- 那奇从不带着身份证照料公牛。
- Nachee never carried id working bulls .