- 我想你的计程表坏掉了.
- I think your meter is broken .
- 每平方米都堆得满满的。
- Each square meter is occupied .
- 智能测度表是一种测量用电或煤气的新型仪表。
- A smart meter is a new type of electricity or gas meter .
- 原因是(传输数据时)两个工程组一个用英制单位而另一个用公制单位。
- The reason : one engineering team working on the spacecraft used metric measurements while another team used imperial units .
- 接下来的按钮(mtrs)可以用来切换公制和英制计量单位,供国际航班使用。
- Then a button ( mtrs ) that toggles between metric and english units for international flights .
- 法国是用公制系统已200年,索菲,大部分时间在法国生活的她,竟说gps精确到2英尺。
- France has used the metric system for 200 years , but sophie , who has lived in france for most of her life , says the gps dot is accurate to two feet .