- 乍一看,这似乎显得有点疯狂,问题是穿过大气层的μ子的速率每分钟每平方厘米只有一个。
- At first sight this seems crazy . The muons in question drizzle down from the atmosphere at the rate of only one per square centimetre a minute .
- 但是,他又补充,在这种速度下每立方厘米产生的热将超过核反应堆。
- However , he added , at this speed they will be generating more heat per cubic centimetre than a nuclear reactor .
- 这个传感器由不到半厘米厚的硅片构成,上面排列有100个比头发丝还细的金质电极。
- This sensor consists of a piece of silicon less than half a centimetre across , fitted with an array of 100 gold electrodes each thinner than a human hair .
- 这一方法的结果是需要带有高达30厘米厚的透镜的笨重装置。
- The results were heavy , unwieldy devices with lenses up to 30 centimeters thick .
- 它的长达12厘米,是世界上最重的不能飞的竹节虫类昆虫。
- It was 12 centimeters long and the heaviest flightless stick insect in the world .
- 鼹鼠身长约14厘米,外加一条3厘米长的尾巴。
- Moles measure around 14 centimeters in length and have a three-centimeter tail .
- 那就是你最理想的字体大小了。
- That 's your optimal font size .
- 需要注意的是吊灯的大小要适中。
- Make sure it 's size appropriate .
- 家庭规模也可能再次扩大。
- Family size could also rise again .