- 他头发的颜色很淡,偶尔有些地方颜色稍深,胡子刚刚冒出茬来。
- He had very light hair , with darker patches here and there , and a moustache just beginning to show .
- 我们会分手主要因为你俗气的五指手套和胡子。
- We broke up mostly because of your tacky fingerless gloves and moustache .
- 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!”
- Laughed dark car 's mother , stroking her moustache as she explained laconically : ` out of the frying-pan into the fire !
- 1892年和1909年,当局对这条法律进行了修改,规定“女性在骑自行车或骑马时”可以穿裤子。
- In 1892 and 1909 the rule was amended to allow women to wear trousers , " if the woman is holding a bicycle handlebar or the reins of a horse . "
- 上校那浓厚的八字胡下面,露出的牙齿闪动幸灾乐祸的笑容。
- Beneath his huge handlebar , the colonel 's teeth flashed a malevolent grin .
- 就是这样的事情是取代车把干。
- One such thing is replacing the handlebar stem .
- 它的面部还有看起来有点像小胡子的斑纹。
- He had markings that looked a bit like a mustache and goatee .
- 但土耳其式小胡子不会轻易地被征服,后来的几十年中,它在大小和意义上不断地前进和后退。
- But the turkish mustache was not so easily vanquished ; it continued toadvance and retreat , in both size and significance , in the decades thatfollowed .
- 马雅给这个故事取名“半边胡子”还告诉艾维尔德她在讲习班上大声朗读这个故事时一些人跟着哭了起来。
- Maya called the story " half a mustache , " and told aviad that when she 'd read it aloud in the workshop some people had cried .