- 今年上半年浙江经济运行总体态势良好,继续朝着宏观调控预期的方向发展,特别是6月份出现了一些有利于经济发展的积极变化,预示着下阶段经济运行向好的方向发展。
- Zhejiang economy runs overall situation first half of the year this year good , continue forward the way that macroscopical adjusting control anticipates develops , will appear june especially a few positive change that are helpful for economic progress , next adumbrative level economy move to good directional progress .
- 我们必须吸取历史的教训,重视并处理好农民问题,这是事关全局的大问题。
- We must assimilate history chide and should attach important to peasant problem and deal with it fairly in reforming and opening . It is a large problem which is relevant to the overall situation .
- 青海是多民族多宗教的地区,大多数少数民族群众信仰宗教,民族问题和宗教问题相互交织、相互影响,民族宗教工作在全省工作大局中有着十分重要的地位。
- Qinghai is a place with multination and multi-religion , most of national minority believe in religions , and national issue and religious issue are interlaced and interacted , so national religion work have taken momentous footing in the overall situation of whole provincial tasks .