- 但是今天,我为这种时髦和过度泛滥的社会感到忧虑不安。
- But today , I 'm uneasy about this most trendy and oversold community .
- 关键是不要盲目的追随这些时髦的词汇或者加入抨击这种流行词汇的游戏中。
- The key is not to be buzzword compliant or to join the trendy game of buzzword bashing .
- 这是本传统工艺装订的硬皮精装本,名家设计的五彩缤纷的细节让它看起来很时髦。
- It 's a traditionally bound hardback with colourful modern designer detailing to make it look trendy .
- 时髦的做法是将其归咎于贪婪。
- It is fashionable to blame greed .
- 古铜似的肤色既时髦又惊世骇俗。
- Bronzed skin was both fashionable and transgressive .
- 一般而言,女士都喜欢时髦的衣服。
- Ladies in general fancy fashionable clothes .