- 总之,有时他那有和解之意的语调读起来总是缺乏坚定,但是他也赢得了成功,比如他和俄罗斯在进一步制裁伊朗方面重新建立关系。
- At times , in short , his conciliatory tone has been read as weakness . But he has notched up successes , too , such as resetting relations with russia partly to tighten sanctions on iran .
- 短小精悍,小中见大;轻松随意,亲切近情;小题大做,不弃琐屑;议论说理、言志抒情;清新自然,闲适幽默;批评讽刺,娱乐消遣。
- It is short and pithy , embodying the magnificence into the smallness , light and casual in tone , cordial and kind in presentation , making a fuss over a trifling matter but not without reasoning and expressing aspiration and emotion , criticizing and satirizing , amusing and entertaining .
- 兰斯顿。休斯在其短篇小说《教授》中,用讽刺的笔调刻画了一位在白人面前毕恭毕敬、性十足的黑人教授形象。
- In his short story the professor , langston hughes has portrayed in an ironic tone a docile and servile black professor who behaves humbly before the white .