- 这个入口通往一个炸药库。
- This entrance leads into a bomb shelter .
- 这是natlismcemeli修道院的入口。
- Entrance to the monastery at natlismcemeli .
- 现在文法学校不是总能有足够的容量接受通过初中入学考试的学生。
- Nowadays it is not always enough for a child to pass the 11-plus entrance test .
- 但是进入行业的壁垒使得市场份额变小。
- But barriers to entry make markets smaller .
- 比如说你刚刚创建了一个新的条目,包含一些文字。
- Imagine you have just created a new entry , consisting of a few words .
- 这就是他的工作,在现在的牛津英语词典该条目中仍然可以看到。
- It is his work that is still reflected in the current oed entry .
- 一种web站点,其作用是相当于internet入网的网关。
- A web site that serves as a gateway to the internet .
- 你需要制定ip配置和可选的dns,还有网关设置。
- You 'll need to specify ip configuration and optionally dns and gateway settings .
- 关于向手机网关的重定向问题,这里有必要提醒一下wikipedia的编辑者们。
- An important note for wikipedia editors is the use of default redirects to the mobile gateway .